HomeBiogas™ – Turn Your Waste Into Clean Energy

This training course provides the student or anyone researching home biogas products a rapid understanding of the highly successful HomeBiogas™ biogas digesters Models 1 and 2.
This course is practically un-missable for anyone who is considering installing a Home Biogas Digester!
However, you will need a budget of $500 to $1,000 to spend to buy the DIY assembly biogas digester…
(Don’t have the cash to splash on one of those? We suggest that you take our Simple Home Biogas Plant DIY course, if you don’t have the money available for this product.)
As you will see as soon as you watch the first videos in this course, users of this home biogas system are very happy with their digesters.
Enrol on this course if you:
- Are not convinced home biogas can be made reliably and in sufficient quantities to make sense
- Are wondering whether running a home digester would take up a lot of your time
- Think that setting the whole thing up and getting started will require a big learning curve!
This training course will explain how wrong you would be to miss the opportunity of owning your own Home biogas digester if you went away still thinking that.
(Note: Some, but not all the videos are provided by the HomeBiogas company.)