How to Make and Use the Simplest of All DIY Home Biogas Plants

TypeOnline Course
DateJan 20, 2019
Student Enrolled17
(2 ratings)
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Image: Simple DIY biogas digester thumbnail image.

This is the simplest type of home biogas plant installation we have been able to find. Nevertheless, as long as:

    • the digester is fed regularly (preferably at least daily)
    • the climate is warm (the temperature of the digester should be kept above a minimum of 18 degrees C)

a usable quantity of biogas can be produced daily.

This course is useful for those considering building their own biogas digester on a shoe-string budget, and would be a great a science project for students.

Section 1How to Make and Use the Simplest of All DIY Home Biogas Plants
Lecture 1An Introduction to the Smallest and Simplest Type of Home Biogas Digester
Lecture 2A Demonstration of How to Assemble Your Digester and Add the First Filling of Biomass (Dung)
Lecture 3Another Demonstration of How to Construct a Similar Digester
Lecture 4What is Happening Inside a Simple Digester