Course Categories Free YouTube Compilation Courses
HomeBiogas™ – Turn Your Waste Into Clean Energy
This training course provides the student or anyone researching home biogas products a rapid understanding of the highly successful HomeBiogas™ biogas digesters Models 1 and 2. This course is practically un-missable for anyone who is considering installing a Home Biogas Digester! However, you will need a budget of $500 to $1,000 to spend to buy […]
How to Make and Use the Simplest of All DIY Home Biogas Plants
This is the simplest type of home biogas plant installation we have been able to find. Nevertheless, as long as: the digester is fed regularly (preferably at least daily) the climate is warm (the temperature of the digester should be kept above a minimum of 18 degrees C) a usable quantity of biogas can be […]
The Benefits of Anaerobic Digestion
This short course is for anyone who is interested in anaerobic digestion, and would like to learn quickly the full range of benefits, which go far beyond just energy production. We recommend this to anyone just starting out on considering whether they wish to do further work to investigate whether the adoption of the technology […]
An Introduction to the Principles of Anaerobic Digestion
Intended for beginners who are new to the subject of anaerobic digestion and biogas production. This course is suitable for: – college students who wish to understand the background to anaerobic digestion and biogas production – those seeking to run their own home or community digester, and – professionals such as farmers, and businessmen who […]
[Coming Soon] Anaerobic Digestion Plant Techniques Technologies and Innovations
In this intermediate level training course we move beyond the basics of anaerobic digestion and biogas production to: – the main types of anaerobic digestion (AD) plant designs which have been available over the last 10 years or more – the relative advantages and disadvantages of the traditional biogas digester design types – the innovations, […]